This past weekend we had the rare and exciting opportunity to host Idols Revisited, a gathering of seven past Canadian Idol contestants benefitting The Door Youth Centre. We were blown away by the response, over 500 tickets were sold, and we were able to raise a significant amount of money to support The Door (no final amount yet). The concert was spectacular - these guys have so much talent, and the acoustic set was perfect for our venue of New Life church here in Collingwood. Local artist and third place runner-up Drew Wright organized the pack, which included Earl Stevenson, Sebastien Pigott, Adam Castelli, Oliver Pigott, Omar Lunan, and Paul Clifford. For sure check out the material that these guys have put out. I've had Earl Stevenson's Ghost on continual rotation for the past 3 days. Here's some pics from the concert.
Drew Wright, Omar Lunan, Adam Castelli Earl Stevenson
The Pigott Brothers, Oliver and Sebastian
Paul Clifford (best pic I have, sorry)
We auctioned off a guitar signed by all of the performers.
All of the artists and our gang from The Door
If you missed the concert, or would like to relive it again, you can check out the videos on YouTube. Thanks to Eric at Big Screen FX for his work on them! I'll link them below.
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