This weekend he brought two turntables, set up a microphone, and mixed music. At first, he was frustrated because our RockBand junkies (who play RockBand and Guitar Hero every week, for years now), were complaining that they couldn't play their video games. A few kids mingled around a bit, but seemed a bit uninterested. That is, until Craven stepped up to the table.
Craven is one of the nicknames of a young lady here at the youth centre. She is pretty outgoing, and definitely interested in music. She might be one of our RockBand junkies too. Aaron explained the CD turntables to her, explained how the mixer in between worked, and then began to show her how to modulate the sound of the music, either by "scratching" or by using the buttons to "punch" the song. She loved it, and soon each of them were on their own turntable, fading between them. At one point, Aaron thought it would be fun to introduce her as a DJ to her peers, and when he handed he the microphone, she managed to squeak out a "hi" before collapsing to the floor in laughter. Pretty soon, Craven was playing the music that she and her peers loved, and everyone in the centre was singing along, some off-key, some in screamo, but everyone knowing all the words. No one else stepped up to the table like Craven did on Saturday night. Maybe they were shy, or didn't care, but maybe they wanted to give her room. Craven posted on her Facebook Saturday night that she had learned to DJ at The Door, and this weekend has planned an appearance by DJs Crave and Aar-born (that's pronounced airborne, she wants to clarify). I look forward to what we're going to hear from her.
Also, check out our upcoming fundraiser - if you're a golfer, please consider joining us next week! (You must RSVP by the 10th of June):

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