We are privileged to be a part of a staff that while geographically spread apart, are kindred spirits that value time together. NMC is always one of the most fun events of our year, and we laugh a lot. It is also spiritually rich, and I found that while I was challenged in the plenary sessions and workshops, perhaps the time connecting in cafes, the hotel, or in being "incarnational" in Montreal (which means spending time at the Jazz Festival and many of the smaller bistros and restaurants), with each other was the most valuable part of all.
A huge theme for me this year that seemed to be a common thread throughout our whole time in Montreal was restoration and renewal. God had already been hinting at that before I left, but I had just started to pay attention to it. Now, it has permeated everything, from my thoughts and prayer life, to situations that we had to deal with as soon as we got home. It is my prayer that through The Door this summer, our youth experience God's restoration in their lives, their minds, and their hearts. Sometimes this means that we must delve into the dark areas that keep us separated from our Father, but as we continue to learn over and over again, He is the only one who is truly able to see change in our lives.
I'm grateful for the time to steal away with our YFC family, to celebrate, to commune, to pursue God as a community. We connect in a way that is unique, and I pray that our relationships on the field will deepen as we serve our God and our youth. Thank you for your continued support that allows us to participate in things like NMC, it is a part of our vision to keep learning, growing, and deepening our walk with God and our ministry.
*P.S. Normally, I would have a fantastic new picture of Aaron and I to show you from our trip, but this year we only took pictures of street art and complex pranks that we pulled on each other. No lie. I apologize, because we have nothing of much value to show you.